Get to Know Luke Poellet

IA -


Luke grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and graduated from Linn Mar High School. He went on to earn a B.A. in Theatre Design & Production from the University of Northern Iowa. Luke joined the CSLA family in September 2023 as our Field Technician covering the eastern half of Iowa. 


"Coming from my work with theatrical lighting, I love seeing how lighting can completely change the mood/feel of an environment." 





Hobbies Include camping, hiking, small electric/programming projects

Enjoys hanging out with friends, watching a movie or reading a book

Fun Fact "I have a goal to camp in every state and so far, I have checked off 20 states." 





Favorite Movie "Despite being a bit tired of the 'Luke I am your father' jokes, the original Star Wars movies are still my favorite."

Favorite Book "Growing up I really enjoyed Percy Jackson and the Olympians." 

Favorite Pets "I have a black cat named Luna, she is about a year old and despite all of the toys I have gotten her, her favorite toy is still a crumpled up piece of paper!"