It’s our favorite day of the month, Meet Us Monday! We know our team is pretty great, so we look forward to this day every month when you have the opportunity to know them better. This month we’re pumped for you to get to know Andrew:
I joined CSLA Iowa in December 2021 from the public accounting world where I provided tax, accounting, and advisory services to clients across multiple industries. It has been a refreshing change of pace to put my full focus on one company! Not having to deal with the IRS has been a pleasant change as well.
Do you have any fun nicknames?
My friends at CSLA seem to get a kick out of calling me Toby.
What hobby(ies) do you enjoy? Snowboarding, cycling, spending time with my wife (Lori) and kids (Reagen & Riley (13), Owen (11), and Lola (8).

What do you do in your free time? Coach youth baseball, softball, and basketball. I also enjoy going to concerts, preferably outdoors.
What is your favorite movie?
True Romance.
Favorite song?
It changes frequently, but right now my favorite song is Iron Lung by King Gizz.
Favorite sports team?
Bears, Cubs, and Hawkeyes.

Favorite book?
Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins.
Favorite food?
Bone-in ribeye, medium rare.
Favorite quote?
That’s just, like, your opinion, man (Jeff Lebowski).
Do you have any pet peeves?
Group text messages and people that put their bare feet on the dashboard.
Any pets?
Louie (King Charles Cavalier) and 2 cats (Olive and Annie).

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?
I have a twin brother and I am a proud father of twin daughters.
What is your favorite thing about working with lighting?
It is a fascinating industry – it is really cool to see the finished product on large projects CSLA has collaborated on.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know more about Andrew and maybe even learned something new about him. Come back next month to learn even more about the wonderful people who make up the CSLA IA team!